Thursday, December 29, 2011

new year resolutions...

So last year's resolution was to wear more heels and to wear them quite regularly, daily was the ultimate goal. And I succeeded! I now nearly wear heels everyday. Not only has it made me feel more chic but it has almost improved my posture and my tolerance for the heel is much higher. All round it has been a good year for my feet and my self-esteem!

So since I have conquered heels I thought I'd move onto another fashion dream of mine, dressing more retro. I dress a little retro but not nearly enough to make me happy. The forties and fifties were always my favourite decades and with the help of the books my father has bought me (THANK YOU!) I hope to dress more like the ladies from those eras. Not fully mind you but a lot more than normal. Since there was never many vintage pieces are at my disposal I was thrilled to discover that there are quite a few online shops that sell retro inspired clothing. Now all I have to do is purchase a few key pieces to add to my collection and master the make up and hair. I really do hope I succeed, we'll just have to wait and see...

Here a just a few of the things I want to get my mitts on!

Lunch date/wanting to feel pretty in college...
Casual and comfy...
A night to make an impression...
I understand that these outfits look a little summery but that's because I am not spending anymore money on winter clothing for this season, my pennies are being saved for the summer.

Do you have any fashion resolutions?

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