Saturday, March 27, 2010

Drum roll please...

A huge and giddy thank you to the loverly and adorable Erin from My Wildflower Wardrobe who has awarded me the sunshine award! My first award! Woot! Now I am given the task of awarding this award to twelve other sunny blogs and they in turn must to same with all this link-age stuff! I think this is a really lovely chain mail award, makes everyone feel good! Go on and continue it for funzies! I found it hard to choose twelve, I love so many blogs. But here are my twelve...

Kat from Shes in Vogue
Anna from A Style Girl
Gemma from Retro Chick
Anjelica from Mode Junkie
Ringo (dunno if that is her actual name: tis a mystery) from Ringo have a banana
Erin from MyWildflowerWardrobe (you don't have to do it again I just love your blog)
Blanaid from Blanaid
(B) + (L) from The Style Bitches
Blaubushka Girls from Blaubushka

Put the award on your blog.
Pass the award to 12 bloggers.Link the chosen ones within your post.
Inform the chosen ones by commenting on their blog.
Share the love and the link to the person who gave it to you!


  1. why you ae a sweetheart, thanks so much!

  2. there great blogs hun, loving yours


  3. Ah thank you, that's so lovely! x

  4. Oh thank you! I must get around to doing this next week!

  5. I posted your award on me blog! It looks so lovely in the side bar! Thank you x

  6. Awh dear that is so lovely of you to give it to me again :) I do so adore your blog!

    Love love love,



  7. Oh and thank you for calling me lovely and adorable!

  8. thanks so much for the blog award! so nice of you. i will pass it on very soon!

